Tips For Buying Car Insurance For Teens

Here at Getting Paid To Drive, we like to help our drivers out with useful tips and information. Many of our drivers have teenagers in the family, which means looking for extra car insurance. Adding a teenager to a family’s auto insurance policy will most likely raise your premium. You may want to consider looking into a separate policy, but may end up costing you even more. Teenage drivers can pay up to 18 percent more on an individual policy. Which means the likely choice will be staying on their parent’s policy.

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For parents there is some good news. The premiums for your teenage driver should decrease each year as long as they keep a clean driving record. Young drivers cost more to insure largely because they are inexperienced and have higher accident rates. Sometimes passing a drivers test isn’t enough. Talk to your teenager’s frequently about safety while driving.


Older Car – If you buy your teen a brand new car, or insure them on the new family car, their premiums will be much higher. If you do have an older car they can drive, you want to make sure that it is in good working condition. Even though an older car may cost less to insure it may not have the most up to date safety features. Just make sure if you take this route the older car is working great.

Student Programs – Some insurance companies will offer special discounts if your teenager maintains good grades. Ask if there is a student program you can sign them up for before paying your insurer. If your insurance company doesn’t offer anything, and if you carry collision and comprehensive coverage, consider raising the deductible. This will lower the premium. And, if you want to help your child understand the costs associated with car ownership, consider having him or her pay for all or part of the increased premium.

College Students – If your teenager takes off for college and will no longer be driving your vehicle, you can simply take them off the policy. If you want to keep them on so they can drive the care when they come home to visit, ask your insurer whether you might qualify for a lower premium, since your child will not be driving the vehicle all year long, you may be able to get a break.

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young driver

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