getting paid to drive

How You Can Get Paid To Drive Safely And Secure A Great Loan

  Whether you are running errands around town, commuting on the freeway to work, or just taking the kids to school, safety should always be your number one concern. Having multiple passengers in your car or even messing around with technology, means you are constantly faced with a million distractions. […]

woman driving car

woman driving

Top 5 Most Dangerous Driving Habits

If you are like most people, you probably spend most of the day in your car. The cost of commuting, running errands, and shuttling the kids around town can really add up. With soaring gas prices, you need a way to fight back. At Getting Paid To Drive, we want […]

3 Ways Lyft Drivers Can Earn More Money

  Lyft as well as other rideshare programs are the new way to make easy money. Whether you want to be your own boss, or earn some extra cash, this is a great opportunity. The main objective of any job is to earn as much money as possible. There are […]

Making extra money with Lyft can be easy with these tips.

Lyft values everyone who makes their business possible.

Drivers Make More With Lyft’s Values

Although the days of picking your passengers up with a big pink mustache on the front of you car is over, driving for Lyft is still unique. Competition between other rideshare companies is a real hurdle, but Lyft doesn’t seem to be changing who they’ve always been. Getting paid to […]

Lyft Pays With Care For The Environment

Lyft is always looking for ways to help you make more as a driver by improving their ride-share programs while doing more for the environment. Lyft looks to improve itself, it’s customer experience, and the community both on a small and the national scale.  Make money and feel good about […]

New Additions To The Lyft Experience

The only consistency in life is change. That’s why you find business constantly looking for their next slogan, advertisement or new idea. Sometimes business is doing well and they just need to alter or tweak a few things. This is where Lyft stands at this moment. The brand is growing […]

Lyft Separates Itself From The Competition

4 Reasons To Drive With Lyft Over The Competitors There comes a time in everyone’s life when they ask themselves “am I doing enough?” We all have bills, mouths to feed, and extra expenses. That’s why rideshare companies offer great opportunities to break away from just a normal 9-5 by allowing […]

Find out how Lyft provides the best rideshare experience.

5 Tips for Buying and Saving on Car Insurance

Are You Getting The Best Bang For Your Buck? Car insurance, though expensive, is one thing consumers hope to never use. While it’s critical to buy the right type of coverage, it’s also necessary to get the best bang for your buck. Here are five helpful tips on how to […]

Apps Help Drivers Save Money On Car Expenses

Drivers looking to save money on car expenses can make use of available apps that help them track their mileage. These apps are designed to help you manage your mileage and budget how you spend money on gas. Another great alternative to saving money on car expenses is earning money by […]

two girls in car

Top 3 Reasons To Make Extra Money While Driving

Get Paid To Drive If you are like most people, you probably spend most of the day in your car. The cost of commuting, running errands, and shuttling the kids around town can really add up. Whether you have a job or are currently looking for one, we can help. With […]