3 Ways To Gain Auto Insurance Customers

3 Ways To Gain Auto Insurance Customers

Simple changes can create lots of auto insurance leads.

Whether you’re a new agent or a well established one, new customers are at a premium. There are new people needing to be insured everyday, but what are the chances that they turn to you? There are a few simple ways to make the customer forget about the other guy and focus themselves on you.

1. Always Be Professional

This is pretty obvious, but don’t take it for granted. Agents should make sure that their entire presentation shines with professionalism. An agent’s physical appearance, website, social media pages, and overall communication should be squeaky clean. So what does that really mean? Agents should make sure they are dressed well. Suits and ties create class no matter how much they may irritate you. Draw a line in what you post on your personal and business related social media pages. Keep your personal life personal, or create different accounts. Websites should catch the eye as should your headlines to content. Make sure it is organized and flows well. A jumbled mess will turn off potential clients.

2. Sell Multiple Policies

Don’t be a one trick pony. Selling multiple policies can allow you to expand your business. It makes the customer feel like you have them covered no matter what. If they have an issue they know that they can come to you and you can fix the issue or direct them. This also goes a long way when it comes to referrals. Being able to cover a wide range of people under various policies can create a buzz. Clients may tell friends that they know a guy that has that type of policy, or that “everything is covered in my plan.” Conversely, some people want small policies by preference or cost. It’s important to listen to what they want and cover them accordingly.

3. Use The Buddy System

Make sure you are attached to various agencies. Being involved with with as many carriers as possible will ensure that you have the maximum amount of exposure possible. If you’re a new agent this might feel like a huge hurdle. The most important thing to do in this case is reach out to as many companies as you can. Don’t be afraid of rejection. They may not have openings or what to branch out immediately, but be patient. Stay in their mind. Create a line of continuous communication. Take them out to lunch and show that you are willing to make an effort to be apart of their group. This can create the link you need for more clients and drive your business to the next level.

If you’re looking for quality insurance leads then feel free to sign up and watch the leads fly in!

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