Get Paid to Drive a Car

Are you looking for an easy way to make money? With Getting Paid To Drive, you can make money simply by doing what you already do everyday. We offer a straightforward opportunity where you can get paid to drive your car. All you have to do is place our magnetic decal advertisements on your vehicle, and you can be on your way to making some extra cash every single day.

How It Works

At Getting Paid To Drive, we offer an honest opportunity for you to make some money simply by driving your car. All you have to do is purchase our magnetic advertisement decals and place them right on your vehicle. Each decal includes a tracking phone number that ensures you are compensated for every phone call generated by the ad on your car.

Getting Paid To Drive

Get Started

To take advantage of Getting Paid To Drive, submit your information and select the preferred ad size you would like for your vehicle. Wait to receive our magnetic decals in the mail, and then place them on your car. Hop in, go to work, run errands, or pick the kids up at school, and begin to make money immediately.

Why Getting Paid To Drive

Most people spend hours everyday in their car. With gas prices soaring, driving to work can become costly. With Getting Paid To Drive, you can begin to make some extra cash by doing nothing at all. Beat expensive gas prices by making money driving your vehicle. Order our magnetic ad decals and start earning cash, getting paid to drive.
