4 Major Benefits of Comprehensive Auto Insurance

Automotive insurance is kind of like air – you take it for granted unless you absolutely need it. One of the many options of auto insurance is comprehensive coverage. But what exactly does “comprehensive” entail and why should you get it? Keep on reading to find out more.

Comprehensive auto insurance can pay the cost of damage.

What is Comprehensive Auto Insurance?

Simply put, comprehensive car insurance pays the cost of damages caused by covered events other than an accident with another vehicle, such as hail damage or vandalism. Without this type of insurance, you may be obligated to pay for these different types of repairs out of pocket.

Now that you understand what comprehensive coverage is, here are four key benefits to having this kind of auto insurance:

It Pays to Replace Your Car if it is Stolen

Imagine if you’re running late to work one day. You walk out of your house and notice that your car is not where you left it. One of two things could have happened: it was either towed because you illegally parked or didn’t pay for it (shame on you!), or your car was stolen.

Comprehensive coverage greatly helps to alleviate the stress you would ever feel if your car was stolen. If you can’t afford to pay for another car if yours was stolen and not recovered, you should think about opting for comprehensive coverage.

It Pays for Weather Damage

If you live in an area of the United States where winter will rear its ugly head and leave golf ball-sized hail dents all over your car, you should think about getting comprehensive coverage. You’ll thank us if a tornado ever picks up your car and drops it a few houses down.

It Pays for Flood Repair

Mother Nature can get pretty nasty sometimes and water can destroy the inside and outside of your vehicle. About 20 percent of flood report claims come from areas that have low to moderate risks of flooding. So if you think you’re safe, you might be wrong.

Additional Benefits

Fire, vandalism, and other damage caused to your vehicle will not only cost you money, it will cost you major headache as well. If you have comprehensive coverage, however, getting through this tough time will be a breeze.

Comprehensive coverage is something everyone should have. It saves you time, money, and covers the cost of your vehicle if it is damaged by weather, vandalism, or if it is stolen.

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