Auto Insurance Leads

Auto Insurance Leads

Advertising to Drivers


Step 1: Create Account

Step 2: Select Account Type  Step 3: Get Auto Insurance Leads

    Your Name (required)

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    Benefits include

    -placement in our newsletter which goes out to 20,000+ drivers weekly (and growing)
    -placement inside the mobile app, used by Drivers.
    -receive leads
    -flexible contract, pay as you go


    1. Placement inside mobile apps, used by drivers:

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    2. Placement inside Newsletters which go out to 20,000+ drivers weekly.

    This keeps you connected with drivers to build your client base.

    Message Stats Newsletter


    Newsletter Ad


    3. Free trials to give to your existing network of drivers.

    When you meet with a new driver, come in with something of value. will provide you with coupon codes that enable drivers to sign up for the program, to earn extra money while driving.